Southwest Reclaim the Airwaves Tour

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Southwest Reclaim the Airwaves Tour
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
May 6 - 17

View Pictures from the Tour!

You're invited to help expand community radio stations for social change. Nonprofits, community groups, and labor unions have a one-time chance this October to apply for free noncommercial FM radio licenses nationwide. This is the biggest chance in decades for communities of color, women, and workers to own the airwaves. Prometheus Radio Project is launching the Southwest Reclaim the Airwaves Tour to support immigrant and native groups to build community radio stations that serve their communities in their respective languages, and build people power across the region.

We're partnering with grassroots groups in each of the following cities. Join a tour event to learn everything you need to start or support a new community radio station. Together we can build multilingual people-powered media across the Southwest.

Photo inside Radio Conciencia, owned by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida

Route and Local Partners
Click a city to register for that event!

Prometheus will provide the following support

  • Education - Background on the opportunity to apply for radio licenses, why it's important, and steps to get on the air
  • Capacity-building - Help to form a local coalition and fundraise
  • Technical support - Tools, resources, and basic engineering to start a station
  • Strategy - Thinking about how this fits into your existing media work and mission, and how to win a license
  • Inspiration - Success stories about groups using community radio and independent media to change their communities

Controlling our own media is key to sharing our stories, developing leadership, and building powerful grassroots movements. Corporate media has long ignored or demonized communities of color, and supported racist policies like SB 1070. Prometheus Radio Project has 15 years experience advocating for independent media and supporting grassroots groups like the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Pineros Y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) to get on the air. These groups and more already use community radio as a powerful tool to support organizing campaigns, amplify artists, and transform their communities.

Watch the video: What would you do with a community radio station?

Special thanks to the following groups for their support: Media Action Grassroots Network, Native Public Media, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Rural Coalition, Latino Public Radio Consortium.

Next Steps