Prometheus Radio Broadcast: June 2009

Welcome to the June edition of the Prometheus Radio Broadcast! So far, it has been a triumphant month for low power radio, so grab your party hats and get ready to celebrate good news. This newsletter also offers the opportunity to roll up your sleeves and dig into new issues of regulatory policy, come out to fun events, and much more.

Hearing Date Set for Low Power Community Radio Act

The Road To LPFM Victory

  Image We are thrilled to report that the Communications, Technology and Internet Subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee hold a hearing on HR 1147, the Local Community Radio Act, on Thursday, June 11, at 10 am.
  This is a thrilling and critical step toward passage of the Local Community Radio Act, a battle that Prometheus has been fighting for a number of years. With the passage of HR 1147, there will be space on the dial for hundreds, potentially thousands more non-commercial Low Power FM radio stations. At Prometheus, we are eager to get back to the work of building more LPFM stations and getting more local and progressive voices on the airwaves!
The Prometheus Radio Project is a small non-profit among many well-funded media giants; we count on our allies and friends to support our work to build a network of LPFM radio stations, to empower community voices through participatory media, and support movements for social change. Please consider making a donation today, on the occasion of this exciting milestone!


LPFM Stations Saved by DC Circuit Court Ruling

In an important victory for low power radio, an appeals court ruled in favor of the FCC's right to protect LPFMs from encroachment by full power stations. The DC Circuit Court dismissed a lawsuit, filed by the National Association of Broadcasters, that sought to prevent the FCC in protecting low power stations from interference.

CLICK HERE to read Prometheus' press release.


We Are Ready Now Radio

Prometheus Broadcasting Live at the Allied Media Conference

From July 16 to 18, Prometheans will be heading to Detroit to participate in the dopest conference ever, the 11th annual Allied Media Conference. In partnership with People’s Production House, we will host a two-day live radio broadcast and webcast as part of the “Laboratory for media-based solutions to the matrix of life-threatening problems we face” workshop. We will be also be teaching people how to solder a transmitter, demystifying the circuits that control people's access to radio technologies.

Photo by Vanessa Miller.

Click here to read more ...


AMC Fundraisers

Detroit, home of the Allied Media Conference, is long way away from our home in West Philly, and we don’t have to tell you about those gas prices. . . So, to offset the cost of registration, housing, and travel, Prometheus is holding, not one, but two blowout summer fundraisers!

 Victor Victor//Eula//St. Anthony// Grandchildren

Friday, June 19

@ Danger Danger Gallery, West Philly

DJed Dance Party // Andalalucha // Radio Rios // One TBA

Saturday July 11 @ Cha-Cha’ Razzi, South Philly

Click here for more info....

The Grassroots Are Always Greener

ImageA Grassroos Media Conerence Report Back

On May 30, a handful of Prometheuns headed to New York to attend the Grassroots media conference.  CLICK HERE to read about how media justice is about making the invisible visible, what you can lean about urban media consolidation from the top of the Empire State Building, how to fight back against cooperate media, and more!

Supporting Artists at a Cost

So, who exactly gets paid when you hear Patsy Cline singing "Crazy" on the radio? It's not who you think—with the current laws on the books, the songwriter, Willie Nelson in this case, and his publisher are compensated, while the estate of Patsy Cline receives no pay for the performance. The Performance Rights Act would correct this weird state of affairs by requiring radio stations to pay a fee to compensate performers for the use of their music over the air. READ ON to see why there is such a strong need for performance fees in the US right now, and then let us know what you think. Do you support this bill? How could it be changed to be fair for performers, but also fair to small low power stations?

Closing Loopholes for Rural Radio

ImageIn an exciting Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the FCC has finally recognized the systematic abuse of its policies by large corporations and has proposed changes that will protect small rural community stations. Will they really solve the problems that have finally been recognized, or will these proposed changes create similar loopholes that larger corporations will continue to exploit in the name of localism?

We need your feedback!  Please send comments to

Jade@prometheusradio.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it by July 13. 

CLICK HERE to read all about it.