Broadcast: April 2011

In this edition of the Broadcast, Prometheus is announcing Radio Summer, a multi state outreach campaign to seize the airwaves. Prometheus staff and volunteers nationwide will plane, train, and automobile their way to meet face to face with grassroots organizations who need the power of community radio. We will rally support for 1,000+ new participatory stations – but we need your help. The goal is $5,000 to support Radio Summer outreach and training workshops and you can make it happen. Please donate today and look for us on the road – we will let you know when we are in your area and would love it if you stopped by to show your support or even hit the road yourself.

PS. Become a monthly Sustaining Donor at the $25 level and receive a free T-shirt!

RADIO SUMMER: Hit the road, spread the word, seize the airwaves!

Ready to change the media landscape in this country? Catch some (air)waves with us by participating in Radio Summer.

Radio Summer is a national campaign to tell communities and groups around the country about the upcoming opportunity to start community radio stations. Volunteers like you are reaching out to every region of the country to prepare community groups to take advantage of this historic opportunity.

Spread the word by holding a meeting in a coffee shop, organizing an event in your community, handing out information at a conference, or going on tour in your region. Prometheus will supply you with an information toolkit with all the materials you need to hit the road, spread the word, and seize the airwaves. Start now by signing up at

The Key to Internet Radio: Version 1.0

There’s no one right way to stream online. With dozens of options for different budgets, configurations, and goals, many stations aren’t sure where to start. Thanks to a grant from the Instructional Technology Foundation and the Surdna Foundation, Prometheus can help.

After a year of surveying stations, researching streaming options, and writing code, we are proud to release Version 1.0 of the Key to Internet Radio! This tool is a set of electronic resources designed to aid community radio stations in setting up web streams and expanding their listening audience. This is also a great way for groups to begin broadcasting while they are working to build their station or in places where an LPFM license will not be available. We look forward to seeing community radio stations use this tool to make their amazing programming available to more people.

The Key to Internet Radio has three main features: 

  • An easy-to-read manual that explains streaming basics, sample set-up configurations, legal concerns, and more in everyday terms.
  • A decision-making wizard that you can use to assess your station's resources and get recommendations on an appropriate combination of hardware, software, and streaming formats.
  • Further information and set-up tips for any recommended options.

You can access the Key to Internet Radio on the Prometheus website by visiting If you need a hard copy, you can order a USB flash drive version from our store. The Key to Internet Radio is free and open source, and we welcome donations to support its further development.

Stay on air! FCC broadcast license renewals to start soon

The broadcast license renewal process starts soon at the FCC. All broadcast stations, including LPFMs, must apply to renew their broadcast licenses sometime in the next 3 years. The exact deadline for your renewal application depends on the state you are located in.

The renewal process includes:

  • announcing on air that you will be filing for renewal at specific times
  • filing Form 303-S with the FCC through the online CDBS system,
  • a second round of on air announcements,
  • and a chance for the public to express concerns about a stations renewal with the FCC. 

Stations in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia must start the renewal process May 2 by reading announcements about renewals on air. Consult the FCCs page on broadcast renewals for more info.

There have been very few cases where stations licenses have not been renewed, but there are fines for filing late or not at all, so make sure your station is ready. If you have any questions about the process, email us at

Our new Field Organizer has arrived!

Prometheus is pleased to announce the arrival of our new Field Organizer, Jeff Rousset. Jeff will spearhead our outreach campaign to mobilize groups around the country to take advantage of the historic opportunity to get a community radio station. He will hit the ground running working with volunteers nationwide on Radio Summer.

Jeff has been harnessing the power of media to build social movements in Philly and across the country for five years. As a grassroots organizer, he has supported and trained students, workers, veterans, and environmentalists to elevate their voices and strengthen their struggles.

Jeff first came to Prometheus during our successful campaign to pass the Local Community Radio Act, when he helped to garner national media attention and organize calls to Senators blocking the bill.

Recently, he has been working with Iraq Veterans Against the War and the Civilian-Soldier Alliance to support the leadership of soldiers and veterans using media to build a GI resistance movement. Last summer, he embarked on a three-month long caravan to the U.S. Social Forum as Poverty Working Group Field Organizer with the Poor People’s Campaign for Economic and Human Rights. He built relationships with churches, community groups, and activist organizations across the Southeast, and  worked with radio stations between New Orleans and Detroit to air poor people's stories of successful organizing in the face of economic hardships.

Jeff received his B.S. in Communications from Drexel University, where he focused on the democratization of media in the United States.

Station Profile: WSCA 106.1 LPFM – Portsmouth Community Radio

Just take a glance at the WSCA-LP Portsmouth Community Radio Station program schedule, and you can see it’s packed with local public affairs shows that you won’t hear elsewhere in Portsmouth.

Every Monday features All Things Gay, a lively LGBTQ-focused talk show. Tune in Tuesday afternoon to hear in-studio interviews on Don’t Dis My Ability, a show produced by adults with disabilities, and during the evening old-time radio on WSCA Audio Theater. Wednesday airs Parent Talk and Writers in the Round. There are political talk shows throughout the week, an alternative and holistic health show, and even a show all about pets and pet handling.

For Tim Stone, one of the founding members of the station, and host of The Environmental Show and Mixed-Up World, these public affairs shows lie at the core of WSCA.

Read on...

Reportback from the National Conference for Media

The Prometheus crew had the pleasure of attending Free Press's 5th National Conference on Media Reform in Boston earlier this month. The conference brought together more than 2,500 visionary media activists, policy makers, journalists, academics and media makers from around the country who were interested in learning new ways to collaborate to improve our media system. Hot topics included net neutrality, broadband initiatives, coverage of labor issues, and LPFM of course. It was exciting for staff and volunteers to learn more about the media reform movement and meet so many great people interested in collaborating with Prometheus to spread the word about LPFM.

Read on for the rest of the reportback and to hear audio from our workshops...

We need computers

Upgrading your computer?

Prometheus is adding staff and interns and we need working computers for them. We are looking for machines in good working condition – no more than 5 years old - and will be happy to pick them up in the Philadelphia area. PC or Mac platform. Flat panel monitors only.

Plase give us a call at 215.727.960 x519 or send us an email at if you can help us out!



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